Being the Guild Master is not as hard as many people make it out to be.

About Me

I am currently having a blast leveling and preparing for endgame content on Final Fantasy XIV. These are the adventures that I have come accross.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Healers, Where are you?

Hello world,

To get started with a small bit of admin work, the website to access the blog has changed to I do believe. You can post that anywhere you want to, as I do not care who reads this. I will monitor my comments as well as any messages anyone sends me. I intend to reply to both as much as humanly possible.

As I am getting into the groove of writing a daily blog. I decided I would dedicate different days to different subjects. I can talk about our raids and different parts of them Wednesday-Friday as we raid Tuesday-Thursday. Obviously, I will be talking about what happened in the raid the night before. On Mondays and Tuesdays, it will be a bit random until I do decide on some topics for those. On Saturdays, I will talk more about what I have done throughout the week and talk about different things overall that I feel that need to be said. If you only chooose to read one day, I suggest Saturday as it will be mostly a summary day as well as my comments. On Sundays, this will be my readers' day. This is my chosen day to post answers to questions as well as other thoughts brought up by my readers(if I ever get any). Until then, this will be a random day until things start to come up.

I also have A.D.D. pretty bad. If it seems that I jump around a lot, it is because that is how I think most of the time. I am not spacey, but I think about multiple things at once, but it is hard to portray multiple things at once. I try to slow things down; it often does not work, so you will have to bare with me.

soooooo...after all that admin stuff(as a GM, I tend to try to get that stuff out of the way as much as possible). We can talk a bit about my raid tuesday(as I did not post about it yesterday), and then a bit about last night's raid.

We definately had some major cotastrophies on tuesday night. It was mostly a farm night as we hit up VoA 25man and then the first part of ICC. I wanted to get the first four bosses down, as well as Rotface and Festergut. We did finish all of this, but not without quite a few wipes on trash. I would say we finnally have Rotface on farm as we 1 shot him. We would have downed Festergut on our second attempt if it had not been for my internet crapping out on me(well my computer). But, nonetheless we did down him on our third attempt. I will not go into much detail in order to give way to my main topic of last nights raid.

So, I may or may not be writing some of this post during the raid, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. Blood princes and 10 melee....that is fail in my opinion, but as a GM, I have to do what I have to do to put a raid together with the best comp for progression. I would have to say, I like taking our best raiders to our progression raids, and we work with the comp that I have to work with. I would have to say our healers failed a little on me tonight. I only had 5 out of my 7 main healers, so I had to bring that one recruit that I generally do not like to take to raids as we have 3 paladin healers. So on top of 10 melee, we have 3 pally healers. If you do not think this is bad, you need to talk to me privately or you need to seek medical help. We downed the Princes though, somehow. Nothing good dropped for me, but nothing got disenchanted. I consider that win all around for sure.

I have been trying to kill the downtime boss in between boss attempts. Tonight we had serious problems with this often. It frustrates many of the officers to no end. I tend to use the time to talk about the fight, but with someone having to go to the bathroom and to take their dog out. Unless it is an emergency, I do not know why people go afk so much like this. If anyone has any suggestions on fixing this, I am all ears.

All my raids tend to be 3 tanks, 6 healers and then the rest DPS, ussually at least 7 ranged. Our ranged dps is our weakspot for my guild atm. I am working on this a little bit, but I have just accepted the problem. I kept getting rocking out melee dpsers while we were recruiting even when I was not accepting anymore melee, let's face it, if I find a guy who can do X dps, where X is higher than most of the raid I have currently, I'm going to take that guy over someone who does less than X dps. It is just simple math.

P.S. just a small side note that has nothing to do with this blog as I am an avid person that works the AH, and I am halfway towards the gold cap. I might keep up with this as a footnote like this at the end of my blogs, but this is no where a money making blog. I am just trying to work towards the gold cap:P.

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