Being the Guild Master is not as hard as many people make it out to be.

About Me

I am currently having a blast leveling and preparing for endgame content on Final Fantasy XIV. These are the adventures that I have come accross.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Well World,

Tonight we had a relatively nice night of raiding. A few notes though, we lost our third best ranged dps today before raid. He up and quit the guild all of the sudden without any type of notice. We also had one of our hunters leave last week, but he let us know 3 weeks ago that his schedule was changing. He did the nice thing of letting us know, he was not one of our pro core players, but he did show up to almost every raid. Anyway, back to this mage that left today. My theory is he left because of the lack of caring in my guild.

The kid( I use that term very loosely, as no kid should be in my guild since it is such a late night raiding guild. I use the term more as a showing of immaturity.) started a lot of stuff in his head mostly. He did a lot of complaining in guild chat as well as in tells to players(who all came to me and told me). I mean, I am the GM, people come to me with their problems, this person did not. He would do all this complaining about getting promoted, then about not being on a 10 man team, which I covered in an earlier post that I don't get involved with 10 man drama. With all this complaining, people didn't even tell him to shut up in guild chat; people straight ignored it. I thought it was a little amusing at fact no one bothered to cater to his issues that he created for himself. I tend to leave a lot of issues to the guild to decide on and to eat people like this. I mean eat them, as in swallow them up and turn them into us or make them quit.

With a raiding guild, you tend to become a group of people with the common goal, and eventually, you become a lot alike. Someone, whom has not been in the guild that long, stated at one of the raids that we must strive to be the biggest dicks on the server. I don't think we strive to this, but it happens that way. I think it is in our cold personalities like mine. I do not want to say I am as heartless and soulless as I say in game, but I do have little care about certain things. I do think that a guild should keep a decent reputation on a server, we are no ninjas. We are not being flamed on the server forums for doing things that show we have no integrity. If you go look through, you can see what one of our people that left the guild said on the forums about how we are. I do not want to say we are nice people; we aren't. I say we do things in our own way, we are cruel. We do not hide this fact ever, but we have a good time. We are only cruel if you take a lot of things we say to heart.

As in the world of Internet chats, we tend to joke a lot about each other. We like to burn each other a lot. We also bring in a lot of racist, sexist, and pure wrong words that I would personally never use in front of my mother. I personally do not use a lot of these words in my conversations, as well as I do not curse often. You can ask anyone in my guild as well as in my life, I do not curse that much. I think that the core people in your guild set a lot of these tempos of the guild, I could try to crack down on it, but I might as well start recruiting another 15 players or so that are all top notch players. I do not want to do this. I am better off leaving and trying to do something new. However, I am not about do this as I am ok with a lot of this. I find a lot of the conversations funny.

All in all, we did not get Princes down tonight, which was a little sad. We at least got all of the farm content down in ICC, VoA, and the raid weekly done. I consider this a win for the guild. We did all of this in 2 and a half hours. The content in ICC we have on farm now is the first 4 bosses, Rotface, and Festergut.


P.S. I just noticed that I did not post on sunday, which is good game in my book. I totally forgot to post it, I had it saved and everything. I failed at it. I am sorry, I am just going to save it and post it next sunday. Sorry for all the people that are reading my blog.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Real Life

Hey there,

Sorry about missing a post yesterday, I am sure that many of you are very upset with me not posting as well as being late with the post today. I have had a few things to deal with in real life. Well, the fact I have been doing some hardcore arenas in the past couple of days. All of these factors leads to the problem, I usually pre-write all of my posts or at least the core of the posts, but yesterday I didn't get on my computer to even post it. I am sorry for that, so I am just going to save the post for next Monday or Tuesday.

Well, on with new things going on. I have yet to talk to the main officer that I see having a problem bringing the old GM back as a raider. Although, this whole situation is beginning to look like it will be a hassle that is not even worth messing with. I mean, the old GM wanted to just raid at first, but now he wants a small say in what goes on since he built the guild for the most part. I would agree that he did build a lot of this guild, and I can somewhat empathize with him about seeing someone else run a guild that I set up. The major issue here is the fact that if he wants some control or even a say in the guild, the majority of the people in the guild that feel wronged by him, will not go for this. I talked to a couple people about the whole situation, and they have about the same opinion I do. We can take him back as a raider because he can do good ranged dps, but we do not want him to have any say in the guild. Of course, I could just let him whisper me with his say, and then not really use it that much.

I still need to talk to a few more people about this before any decision is even came to. As it is, he probably will have a hard time being in this guild, even as a common raider lower on the totem pole. I think many people would rather see him work his way back up. This is a bit of a rare situation that I do not think many people have to deal with, but sometimes in live, stuff happens. He says he does not want to jump through hoops for the guys that he wronged and what not. I understand where he is coming from, he just wants to come back and be cool with everyone. I just do not think a few of the people in the guild will let this happen. I am super laid back, so it wouldn't bother me, but I know a few of the people in the guild. I think it would bother them way too much.

I am going to have to go with which would be better for the guild in this situation, which I am still gathering opinions on from people that were here from the start with him. I would rather keep the guild the way it is now, rather than having 5 people leave because he came back.


Saturday, February 20, 2010


Hello there,

Not much is going on in my guild for Saturday that is. We completely take it off as a guild for the most part. Most of my raiders are doing other things outside of WoW. I tend to work all day on Saturdays, so I do not even see who gets on. The rest of the week, the guild is full of activity with 10 mans and 25 mans. Between the 2 of those raids, most of the raiders raid 5 nights a week with only Friday and Saturday off. I prefer it this way so that everyone can have a life outside of WoW and still remain competitive dps for us. Well, not all of my members are competitive dps. I hope that all the 10mans go down tonight. Me personally will not be in a raid tonight since my 10man goes right after raids Tuesday and Wednesday. We clean up anything left on Thursday and Monday, but most of the time we only raid 2 out of the 4 nights mentioned.

I do not run any 10man groups. I do not set up any 10man groups. I think that as a guild, we should be running 10mans in order to get the gear out of there. I know that 3 groups go every week to 10man, so with our 32 member roster. Only 2 people should have to pug this raid every week. In theory anyways. I personally have a few people who have stepped up to run the 10mans, and they do everything for the group, they set up the time with everyone in it, as well as organize all the strategies.

I clearly tell everyone in my guild that I have zero, nada, nothing to do with 10mans. Obviously, this is a lie. I have to step in with situations like these above, but me personally, I do not want to run all the 25mans as well as a separate 10man. I have a lot on my plate, so I have to delegate some of the responsibility else where. I did not want all of the drama of the 10mans. I mean, I have to deal with a lot of drama as it is, but I did not want people to QQ to me about why so and so did not take them. I leave it completely up to the leaders on who they take. The leaders do a good job of setting up their runs and taking the same 10 people every week. I mean a few people to rotate around, but generally the other 2 groups have their core people and work around that. From a PR perspective, I do not mess with 10mans, but if I do step in, I only talk to the people I need to talk to, like the leaders as in the case above. I do not put a public post out there for everyone to read, so to the average guildy, they see me say I do nothing with 10mans. They then take their problems to the leader of the 10mans. I only know of a couple people that harrass my leaders for the 10man runs, but it is still a very small burden on these people's shoulders compared to running the 25man raids.

Having set groups can be hard for 10mans. For me to just look at the dps charts and assign people to 10man runs based on that is retarded. The groups all have to click together. If there is no click, then the run is doomed. It took two tries to get the groups right without me posting on our forums that these were the set groups. I just let the people who were friends take initiative to set up groups for them to run with. I know a lot of guilds that just do the post on the forums and say bam thats group 1 and 2, and maybe 3. I have 3 successful 10man groups that run through ICC every week now, and I did not have to do much work other than moniter how far they get. I know the other two groups are not seeing the same progression as the 10man that I am on, but at least they are getting the fights that we have on farm status in 25man down.


Friday, February 19, 2010


Hey there,

As I look back on my other posts, I definitely will call it a short post today. I think overall it has been a good week for my guild and I. We had some progression which is always nice. Everyone likes to see some dead Internet monsters. We definitely struggled a little bit at times, but due to some decent leadership and a little Oorah in the tank. We are gonna be alright.

I think people need to stand back and chill during some situations though. I think through out the raiding week, there were a few small events that were just blown way out of proportion. I need to work on controlling these small events, so they do not spread like wildfire.

A super positive note is the fact that one of my officers shows more and more maturity in the role that he has. I think working well with others is key to success in life, as well as WoW. He has helped control a few of these situations like one of the other officers blowing up slightly in officer chat. My one officer settled the other one down before anything ever happened.

I think I might start a small recruiting push in order to gain a few more ranged dps that don't fail at life. They are going to be crucial to the success to have a decent ranged core. Right now, I couldn't call the one we have decent, but they do get the job done currently. I just think a few of them do not have the same drive as others do. I think the drive in a hardcore raiding guild needs to be there. Like I said in my first post, some of my guildies I would call semi-hardcore and others I would call hardcore.

A lot of times with guilds like these, you have to work with different people in different ways. This is not a "How to be a GM," blog, so I am not going to tell you how to do it. I will on the other hand tell you how I personally deal with different situations as they come up. I just think many people are really different, and each situation is going to be handled differently by different people. This is one of the things that either you can do, or you can't do. I do think that you can learn from others as someone once told me, "You learn from 2 ways, your own experience, or someone Else's experience." This is one of those things that I will tell you all that I can; so that, you can learn from my experience. I think everyone will take different things from the same post. It is all in perspective.

I know all of that sounded really general, but let's face it, this is a very general topic. I think more people will get enjoyment out of this rather than information. I do not think I am the best GM in the world, as there are others that are plenty better at it. I do bring my own cards to the table though. I feel everyone has a hand, some people are better for other things. My hand just happens to be set up pretty well to be a GM. Be who you are, do not try to be someone that you are not, that is all I am getting across. I have heard that from many places myself, that is because this is the best advice I can give you.


p.s. I tried to keep it short, but dang A.D.D. got the better of me.

Thursdays Are Fun...Not!

Hello there,

So raid last night was fun. We worked on Putricide for a while. Then we went to ToC 25man really quick so that we could hopefully get some people some trinkets. I am debating on going to TOGC instead of ToC from now on for two hours on Thursday. I feel that working on ToGC would be kind of dumb when we have other progression to work on in ICC. I am all about progressing in current content. Sitting people was fun tonight. I found out about one of the DKs that I really did not have a spot for when I accepted him that it was his alt. He is a good player, so I am going to try and get him in some more progression raids. Working on Putricide showed what a lot of the people in my guild are made of. I like a lot of these people.

We learned a lot on these attempts. Like, how much I hate those stupid freaking beakers on the ground. The RNG on Putricide can screw you over. Lastly, Sick guildies are never good for progression raids, and it sucks when you have no one to replace them.

After that fiasco, I definitely was in a slightly bad mood, but as the GM; I had to truck on. We were going to do the weekly rampage of ToC 25man, but enough people QQed about it that I was in a position to say screw it, and we called the raid.

A very very weird situation happened tonight. Our old GM decided to log on and talk to me for a bit. He does this every once and a while, I do not mind. He was talking about the guild that he ninja transfered to go play with is falling apart due to their GM losing his drive to lead a guild. I can understand this coming from another GM. As he starts talking about having to find another guild, I reminded him about all the bridges he had burned with many of the core members of the guild that is left. I now have to try to reconnect a few of those bridges to try and bring him back as a raider. I do not plan on having him in any sort of position of power. I am skeptical about bringing him back, but we will see how a conversation about it goes with the other council members. The very very appealing part of this is the fact we need an elemental shaman. I could switch to an Arms Warrior, and I could have our current elemental shaman switch to enhancement, which is what I am. I can do both easily, and our current elemental shaman is as good as me at enhancement. This situation is kind of something I was thinking about yesterday. I had already posted on our officer forums about this switch and looking for another elemental shaman. This situation just presents with an amazing option. It is something to talk about with the other council members as well as think about.

I would love to do this switch to Warrior as they are really fun to play Arms with. I have a buddy on my other server that was a key member of my other guild who is a pro with Arms Warriors. He has taught me the ways, so it is not like I would be bad at it. Right now, we are running with one of our rogues Combat rather than Assassination. It would put us in a good spot, but I do not want to do something that would hurt the guild at all. Taking one of my mediocre ranged dpsers out and putting them as pro melee dps and then recruiting a pro ranged dpser would be awesome in my mind. I think getting to that situation is going to take some time. Anyone thinking about starting a guild or is currently running one, always do whats best for your guild, not what is best for you personally.

I have to do something about the attendance on Thursday nights, it has been ridiculous the past few weeks.

On a small side note my roommate(whom is my fiancee, yes I am engaged a small glimpse into my personal life) woke up because she had a nightmare. The funny part was the fact that she was hearing my guild mates over vent as I was not using headphones before raid.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Healers, Where are you?

Hello world,

To get started with a small bit of admin work, the website to access the blog has changed to I do believe. You can post that anywhere you want to, as I do not care who reads this. I will monitor my comments as well as any messages anyone sends me. I intend to reply to both as much as humanly possible.

As I am getting into the groove of writing a daily blog. I decided I would dedicate different days to different subjects. I can talk about our raids and different parts of them Wednesday-Friday as we raid Tuesday-Thursday. Obviously, I will be talking about what happened in the raid the night before. On Mondays and Tuesdays, it will be a bit random until I do decide on some topics for those. On Saturdays, I will talk more about what I have done throughout the week and talk about different things overall that I feel that need to be said. If you only chooose to read one day, I suggest Saturday as it will be mostly a summary day as well as my comments. On Sundays, this will be my readers' day. This is my chosen day to post answers to questions as well as other thoughts brought up by my readers(if I ever get any). Until then, this will be a random day until things start to come up.

I also have A.D.D. pretty bad. If it seems that I jump around a lot, it is because that is how I think most of the time. I am not spacey, but I think about multiple things at once, but it is hard to portray multiple things at once. I try to slow things down; it often does not work, so you will have to bare with me.

soooooo...after all that admin stuff(as a GM, I tend to try to get that stuff out of the way as much as possible). We can talk a bit about my raid tuesday(as I did not post about it yesterday), and then a bit about last night's raid.

We definately had some major cotastrophies on tuesday night. It was mostly a farm night as we hit up VoA 25man and then the first part of ICC. I wanted to get the first four bosses down, as well as Rotface and Festergut. We did finish all of this, but not without quite a few wipes on trash. I would say we finnally have Rotface on farm as we 1 shot him. We would have downed Festergut on our second attempt if it had not been for my internet crapping out on me(well my computer). But, nonetheless we did down him on our third attempt. I will not go into much detail in order to give way to my main topic of last nights raid.

So, I may or may not be writing some of this post during the raid, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. Blood princes and 10 melee....that is fail in my opinion, but as a GM, I have to do what I have to do to put a raid together with the best comp for progression. I would have to say, I like taking our best raiders to our progression raids, and we work with the comp that I have to work with. I would have to say our healers failed a little on me tonight. I only had 5 out of my 7 main healers, so I had to bring that one recruit that I generally do not like to take to raids as we have 3 paladin healers. So on top of 10 melee, we have 3 pally healers. If you do not think this is bad, you need to talk to me privately or you need to seek medical help. We downed the Princes though, somehow. Nothing good dropped for me, but nothing got disenchanted. I consider that win all around for sure.

I have been trying to kill the downtime boss in between boss attempts. Tonight we had serious problems with this often. It frustrates many of the officers to no end. I tend to use the time to talk about the fight, but with someone having to go to the bathroom and to take their dog out. Unless it is an emergency, I do not know why people go afk so much like this. If anyone has any suggestions on fixing this, I am all ears.

All my raids tend to be 3 tanks, 6 healers and then the rest DPS, ussually at least 7 ranged. Our ranged dps is our weakspot for my guild atm. I am working on this a little bit, but I have just accepted the problem. I kept getting rocking out melee dpsers while we were recruiting even when I was not accepting anymore melee, let's face it, if I find a guy who can do X dps, where X is higher than most of the raid I have currently, I'm going to take that guy over someone who does less than X dps. It is just simple math.

P.S. just a small side note that has nothing to do with this blog as I am an avid person that works the AH, and I am halfway towards the gold cap. I might keep up with this as a footnote like this at the end of my blogs, but this is no where a money making blog. I am just trying to work towards the gold cap:P.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

First Post

Generally, with the first post of a blog, you find out exactly what a person will be talking about for the unforeseeable future of their blog. This blog, I am starting out with the simple task of describing my experience as a Guild Master in the popular World of Warcraft game of a semi-hardcore raiding guild. I would call us hardcore, but some of our player base are not hardcore; as we are on a medium population server. The name of the guild is Kills Internet Monsters on the Baelgun server.
I do not intend to hold back the information on the guild at all, as I do keep my feelings to my guildies in my head: mostly anyway. I do not mind if they do happen to stumble accross this blog and notice what I am talking about. I do not intend for them to find out, but if they do, they do.

I do intend to talk about a lot of the struggles that I have seen in the past as well as those that are happening in the now. I enjoy what I do, I will not lie, it is not for everyone. There are a lot of stresses about the job that a lot of people could not handle in a video game, but I enjoy what I do; so it does not bother me one bit.

A little bit about myself for those that do not want to go read the bio, although in the future I am sure that is what people will read before this post. I am sure of that, but I have experience in running raiding guilds. I ran a guild for 3 years that only broke up when I had to change my playing times. I have found out about the type of people that I want to be surrounded with as well as the type of people that I like to avoid. I plan to talk about these in the future in depth. I also plan on fixing the about me section in the next day or so.

If anyone would like to find out more about me personally or would like to ask any sort of questions, feel free to comment or send me a private message.
