Being the Guild Master is not as hard as many people make it out to be.

About Me

I am currently having a blast leveling and preparing for endgame content on Final Fantasy XIV. These are the adventures that I have come accross.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Thursdays Are Fun...Not!

Hello there,

So raid last night was fun. We worked on Putricide for a while. Then we went to ToC 25man really quick so that we could hopefully get some people some trinkets. I am debating on going to TOGC instead of ToC from now on for two hours on Thursday. I feel that working on ToGC would be kind of dumb when we have other progression to work on in ICC. I am all about progressing in current content. Sitting people was fun tonight. I found out about one of the DKs that I really did not have a spot for when I accepted him that it was his alt. He is a good player, so I am going to try and get him in some more progression raids. Working on Putricide showed what a lot of the people in my guild are made of. I like a lot of these people.

We learned a lot on these attempts. Like, how much I hate those stupid freaking beakers on the ground. The RNG on Putricide can screw you over. Lastly, Sick guildies are never good for progression raids, and it sucks when you have no one to replace them.

After that fiasco, I definitely was in a slightly bad mood, but as the GM; I had to truck on. We were going to do the weekly rampage of ToC 25man, but enough people QQed about it that I was in a position to say screw it, and we called the raid.

A very very weird situation happened tonight. Our old GM decided to log on and talk to me for a bit. He does this every once and a while, I do not mind. He was talking about the guild that he ninja transfered to go play with is falling apart due to their GM losing his drive to lead a guild. I can understand this coming from another GM. As he starts talking about having to find another guild, I reminded him about all the bridges he had burned with many of the core members of the guild that is left. I now have to try to reconnect a few of those bridges to try and bring him back as a raider. I do not plan on having him in any sort of position of power. I am skeptical about bringing him back, but we will see how a conversation about it goes with the other council members. The very very appealing part of this is the fact we need an elemental shaman. I could switch to an Arms Warrior, and I could have our current elemental shaman switch to enhancement, which is what I am. I can do both easily, and our current elemental shaman is as good as me at enhancement. This situation is kind of something I was thinking about yesterday. I had already posted on our officer forums about this switch and looking for another elemental shaman. This situation just presents with an amazing option. It is something to talk about with the other council members as well as think about.

I would love to do this switch to Warrior as they are really fun to play Arms with. I have a buddy on my other server that was a key member of my other guild who is a pro with Arms Warriors. He has taught me the ways, so it is not like I would be bad at it. Right now, we are running with one of our rogues Combat rather than Assassination. It would put us in a good spot, but I do not want to do something that would hurt the guild at all. Taking one of my mediocre ranged dpsers out and putting them as pro melee dps and then recruiting a pro ranged dpser would be awesome in my mind. I think getting to that situation is going to take some time. Anyone thinking about starting a guild or is currently running one, always do whats best for your guild, not what is best for you personally.

I have to do something about the attendance on Thursday nights, it has been ridiculous the past few weeks.

On a small side note my roommate(whom is my fiancee, yes I am engaged a small glimpse into my personal life) woke up because she had a nightmare. The funny part was the fact that she was hearing my guild mates over vent as I was not using headphones before raid.

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